VRL #6: My Love/Hate Rant

Blessing Emole
1 min readFeb 26, 2022

Prompt: For a total of 8 minutes about 2 things you love and WHY and 2 things that really bother you or get on your nerves and WHY. You absolutely don’t have to be funny or try to write jokes, but you should absolutely add WHY you feel the way you do about these subjects. The why part is very important when it comes to comedy. This is in preparation for THE BASICS OF COMEDY WRITING FOR STAND-UP workshop by Valerie

For this VRL, I decided that it would be more authentic and true to real storytelling to have a voice recording of my rant versus me typing it out. I felt like when typing I might censor some things or might not really touch on some details but if I’m just talking/ranting like I would with my friends over voice notes it would be more realistic as to why I truly love something or what irritates me about something else.

Link to Rant:



Blessing Emole

Integrated Design & Media Graduate Student @NYUTandon